VIRI PROBATI PATHWAY: Grant dispensations, if bishops ask, starting with married deacons with a fruitful ministry to ordain as priests (salary: $0) after formation, using Canon 1047 (while respecting the Latin Rite celibacy norm).
Friday, January 31, 2020
Dear Francis, please do not abolish celibacy.
Benedict XIV (1742): "The full recognition of the right of the Oriental clergy to retain their wives will be found in the Constitution of Benedict XIV, "Etsi pastoralis", 26 May, 1742."
Banned by LifeSiteNews
Profile of Married Catholic Priest: Fr. David Zampino with 8 Kids
"There isn't any theological problem with the ordination of married men", but timing may be an issue: Fr. Santiago Martin (en Espanol)
Benedict XVI, Sacramentum Caritatis (2007)
“In union with the great ecclesial Tradition, with the Second Vatican Council and my Predecessors in the Petrine Ministry, I affirm the beauty and the importance of a priestly life lived in celibacy as an expressive sign of total and exclusive dedication to Christ, to the Church and to the Kingdom of God, and consequently confirm its obligatory character for the Latin tradition” (n. 24).”
Thursday, January 30, 2020
Fr. Dwight Longenecker on Viri Probati News Headline: "OK. That works" but sometimes the media inaccurately reports on married priests out of "ignorance, not malice."
Here is a blog of his not conflating married priests along with other heterodox issues:
Thank you, Father!
Viri Probati are not young men in seminary, but "would be men like our married deacons who have the time and energy to serve the Church" as married priests: Priest Comment Welcoming Married Priests
How Fr. Joseph Ratzinger Predicted a Married Priesthood For "Approved Christians" (Like Viri Probati) in 1969
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
St. Gregory of Nyssa, Married Father of the Church
Source: (29 Jan. 2020)
moreover, it would seem that the young man married. There exists a letter addressed to him by Gregory of Nazianzus condoling with him on the loss of one Theosebeia, who must have been his wife, and with whom he continued to live, as with a sister, even after he became bishop. This is also evident from his treatise "De virginitate".
St. Paulinus of Nola, Father of the Church, ordained priest while married to Therasia
While married, he was ordained priest on Christmas c. 394 by the Bishop of Barcelona.
Canonical dispute claim concerning St. Paulinus' ordination to presbyterate exists here: Source:,_Bishop_of_Nola (29 Jan. 2020)
However, regardless of the circumstances of the claim about the liceity of St. Paulinus's priestly ordination, the main point for the purposes of this blog is to show that the Bishop of Barcelona was willing to ordain this Father of the Church to the priesthood as the Church intends.
Hence, he was a married Latin rite priest.
Then, after his wife died St. Paulinus was consecrated bishop c. 410
English language publisher "essentially defying the stated will of the aging former pontiff"
In 1970, 1 U.S. priest served 1,430. But in 2018, 1 U.S. priest served 4,240 (almost tripled): Data from Center For Applied Research in Apostolate (CARA)
Source: (29 Jan. 2020)
In the last 50 years, the number of U.S. priests who serve as day-to-day leaders of parishes — known as diocesan priests, as opposed to those who join religious orders — has dropped by almost a third, from about 37,300 in 1970 to about 25,800 last year, according to the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA) at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C.
Meanwhile, the number of U.S. Catholics who identify with a parish has grown by 43 percent, from about 48 million to about 68.5 million, according to CARA and the Official Catholic Directory, which has tracked church membership and other data for more than 200 years.
That means far fewer priests are serving far more parishioners today. In 1970, an active parish priest served an average of about 1,430 church members; last year, he served an average of about 4,240, almost triple.
Priest Shortage: Decline of Priests in USA & Western Europe Projected
Monday, January 27, 2020
Between 1952-1964 in Germany, 5 married former Protestant ministers ordained Roman Catholic priests under special dispensations granted by Holy See
Pope St. Paul VI Dispensed Married U.S. Lutheran Priest Convert, Fr. Ernest Adam Beck, 39, For Ordination as Married Roman Catholic Priest
Pope Paul VI granted a dispensation that allowed Beck to be ordained in Germany as a priest of the Roman Catholic Church. A former Lutheran minister, Father Beck, at 42, was married with two children. He was the first American among a handful of Latin Rite Catholic priests who have received dispensations from the Pope to take Holy orders without a vow of celibacy.
Rev Ernest Adam Beck
Birth |
Michigan, USA
Death | 14 Nov 1996 (aged 74)
Wilmington, New Hanover County, North Carolina, USA
Burial | Hampstead, Pender County, North Carolina, USA |
Plot | Mausoleum |
Memorial ID
26597711 · View Source
Roman Catholics: The Married Priest
Saturday, January 25, 2020
St. Gregory the Elder (ordained c. 328) & his wife St. Nonna were parents of 3 Saints: St. Gregory Nazienzen (born c. 329 after father was ordained), St. Gorgonia, and St. Caesarius (born c. 331 after father was ordained); St. Gregory the Elder is also an example of clergy having a child born after ordination.
Roman Feast: Jan. 1
Married Priest Martyr: Fr. Mykola Tsehelskyi (d. 1951)
The Servant of God Fr Mykola Tsehelskyi was born on 17 December 1896 in the village of Strusiv, Ternopil District. In 1923, he completed the course in the theological faculty at Lviv University. On 5 April 1925, Metropolitan Andriy Sheptytsky ordained him to the priesthood. He was a zealous priest who took care of the spirituality, education and welfare of his parishioners. He was the parish priest in the village of Soroko, where he built a new church. After World War II the era of total repressions began. Fr Mykola personally experienced intimidation, threats and beatings. On 28 October 1946, he was arrested. On 27 January 1947, he was sentenced to ten years in prison. Although he had a wife, two sons and two daughters, he was deported to labour camps in Mordovia. He lived in extremely horrid conditions, in a camp that was notoriously strict and cruel. He suffered from severe pain and died on 25 May 1951 as a martyr for the faith. He is buried in the camp cemetery. |
Widower Deacon Ordained Priest, Father of 4 Priests and 1 Religious, Turned 100 Years Old; Attributes Vocation to Marriage & Later Priesthood to St. Padre Pio
Friday, January 24, 2020
Married Priest Fr. Longenecker: "I expect talk of Pope Benedict XVI’s 'interventions' is more the invention of giddy journalists than anything else"; "rift" is "gossip"
For Father Longenecker, the reported rift between the current and former Pope is simply "gossip".
"I expect talk of Pope Benedict XVI’s 'interventions' is more the invention of giddy journalists than anything else," he said.
"As I understand it, he has contributed to a book that is part of the wider discussion. Talk of a rift between him and Pope Francis on the issue is gossip," the priest added.
St. Ambrose (De Officiis, I, 1): Some married clergy existed in close of 4th Century (in outskirts of Rome/Milan)
Rebuke of Cardinal Sarah's Comments of Eastern Rite Priests in "Night is Far Spent": "Inflammatory and push a divide between the Latin & Oriental church"; "could have an adverse affect on the Byzantine church"
Part 1: (24 Jan. 2020)
Part 2: (24 Jan. 2020)
Part 3: (24 Jan. 2020)
Part 4: (24 Jan. 2020)
Excerpt (from Part 1):
Second Vatican Council: Celibacy "not demanded by very nature of priesthood, as is apparent from the practice of the early Church" (PO 16); "later in the Latin Church was imposed [by law]"