Tuesday, October 29, 2019

"At No Time Was Celibacy Called Into Question": Synod Cardinal Baretto Jimeno of Peru

Source: https://zenit.org/articles/at-no-time-was-celibacy-called-into-question-says-cardinal-pedro-barreto/?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=EXCLUSIVE+At+No+Time+Was+Celibacy+Called+Into+Question+Says+Cardinal+Pedro+Barreto+1572365286+ZNP&utm_content=EXCLUSIVE+At+No+Time+Was+Celibacy+Called+Into+Question+Says+Cardinal+Pedro+Barreto+1572365286+ZNP+CID_affaf0afc2633df3a27270aeefd87135&utm_source=Editions&utm_term=At+No+Time+Was+Celibacy+Called+Into+Question+Says+Cardinal+Pedro+Barreto (10/29/2019)


–Q: Proposed in the Report of the Italian Minor Circle A, was that the subject of celibacy be studied in an Ordinary Synod, with universal openness. What is your opinion on this?

–Cardinal Barreto: In fact, it must be specified that at no time, in no Circle, was celibacy called into question. This must be very clear: celibacy is a gift of God for the Church and it’s going to be kept. What has been spoken about is the possibility that married persons might receive Priestly Ordination; they are two different things. However, the most significant of this synodal experience was to put ourselves in an attitude of listening, in this case, to Amazonia and its peoples, to listen also to nature and to God’s creation, and to listen to God. This is a process we are initiating. The previous ones — I took part in one of them — were more thematic, so there was theological, doctrinal reflection . . . this one <did not do that>. This was a Synod — the first in the history of the Church — which was concerned with a territory, a region, but at the same time, with those that live in the region. In regard to the subject of Priestly Ordination to married men <who are> Deacons, it was said that it could be studied, but we focused on the Pan-Amazonian Region.

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