Thursday, September 20, 2018

Scandal Crisis Prompts Revisiting Married Priest Question

The question of married Latin rite priests has resurfaced lately in light of Vigano's bombshell letter which claims an active homosexual network in the priesthood.
There are multiple ways to frame a case for dispensing from mandatory celibacy vis-a-vis the presumed validity of the active homosexual priesthood claim above.  One argument can be made as follows:
Premise 1: The active homosexual priest abuse scandal is present throughout multiple levels of the Church.  No (arch)diocesan structures are immune.
Premise 2: Married men generally do not act on homosexual inclinations and/or predations.  This is particularly proven by the overall witness of 40,000 married deacons.
Premise 3: The crisis is compounded by public perception, whether founded or unfounded, which reacts unfavorably to the freely-chosen celibate life.  Public perception is also favorable to homosexual persons but not predatory homosexual persons.
Conclusion: A married priesthood, therefore, lessens the presence of predatory priests and gradually restores public confidence in the Catholic Church over time.
(Note 1: Conclusion substantially alleviates, not systemically resolves, current crisis.)
(Note 2: Conservative arguments hold that there is no or little correlation to celibacy and homosexuality.)