Sunday, April 16, 2023

Melkite Patriarch, Council Father, to Pope Paul VI Advocating For Married Latin Rite Priests During the Second Vatican Council: "But perhaps the time has come when, through the will of the Church..the Eastern tradition [of married priests] might be useful to the universal Church"; "The Catholic West does not yet seem disposed to make such a radical change in discipline, but one will go slowly with all the necessary prudence, after the experience of the married deacons authorized by the Council" (1965).

Maximos IV Sayegh, Father at Second Vatican Council, Patriarch of Melkite Greek Catholic Church, 1947-67.  Cardinal.  Worked for Catholic & Eastern Orthodox Churches unity. 

Text intended for Council Fathers (not delivered) 

Letter to Paul VI advocating for married Latin rite priests (delivered)


Excerpt from Text for Council Fathers (not delivered):

"Christian East has also preserved, for the good of the universal Church, a parallel tradition that is founded quite as much on Scripture, the Apostles, and the Fathers. And this tradition, at the moment and in the countries where the Church deems it appropriate, can be invoked in order to support a turning point in history that will perhaps be made necessary by the changing circumstances of time, place, and persons.


While justifying the Eastern tradition, I cannot but admire the lofty morality of the parallel tradition of the West. But perhaps the time has come when, through the will of the Church, and wherever it may chose, the Eastern tradition might be useful to the universal Church.

I conclude: granted that our thinking is not yet sufficiently mature for definitive decisions, we propose the creation of a post-conciliar commission for the study of this serious problem that concerns in the highest degree the very life of the Church. We believe that a pure and simple return to the ancient and authentic tradition of the Church would be welcomed both by informed lay Christians and by the clergy open to the realities of life. This will bring peace of soul and freedom of conscience."

-Text above intended for Council Fathers but was sent to Pope Paul VI instead.  


Excerpt from Patriarch letter below to Paul VI which was sent along with text above:

"The Catholic West does not yet seem disposed to make such a radical change in discipline, but one will go slowly with all the necessary prudence, after the experience of the married deacons authorized by the Council.

All that I ask of Your Holiness, in order to obey a serious imperative of my conscience, is that the door not be systematically & irreversibly closed.

With this trust, I humbly kiss Your hands, imploring Your paternal & apostolic blessing."

*Pope Paul VI created His Eminent Beatitude Maximos IV Sayegh a Cardinal in Feb. 1965. Patriarch eventually accepted.



This blog originally posted on Oct 26, 2019 here: 

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