Source: (22 May 2020)


Amazon Exceptions Soon?

And if this maturation seems too slow, it will always be possible to anticipate decisions from Rome, in the name of the merciful responses that must be brought to pastoral needs in the Amazon. This is what Pirmin Spiegel, the director general of the German charity Misereor, very active in the Amazon region, is already planning. Speaking on March 3, outside the Bishops’ Conference in Mainz, Germany, he said that several bishops from the Amazon region will soon send requests to Rome to file for dispensations for the ordination of married deacons to the priesthood. According to him, by not speaking on the subject in his apostolic exhortation, the pope has not closed the door to exceptions.

This is confirmed by Archbishop Ludwig Schick of Bamberg, saying that we must go beyond a “black or white vision” (sic) of the question of priestly celibacy. According to him, it has long been clear in the Church, even the Latin rite, that in some exceptional circumstances ordination to the priesthood is possible for married men. Until now, this applied to the priests of the Eastern Churches in union with Rome or to converted Anglican and Protestant clergy, but other authorizations of the same type are possible.

As pointed out by FSSPX.News on March 11, under the eloquent title “A Magisterium with Flexible Geometry”: the Pope “is waiting for relevant bishops’ conferences to act—the principle of decentralization of authority, under the name of synodality, must come into play here. It is up to the bishops to do the work. The Pope said he would not abolish priestly celibacy, but he did not say he would not let the Amazon conferences ordain the viri probati. Quite the opposite.”