Wednesday, May 6, 2020

"Pope Francis did not, as some journalists reported, 'close the door' on the possibility of ordaining married men. He left the door precisely as it was: ajar": Philip Lawler, Catholic Culture

Source: (12 March 2020)


Since the papal document is silent on the issue, the Final Document approved by the bishops appears as the last word on the subject. Pope Francis made a point to “officially present” that document in his apostolic exhortation, adding: “I would encourage everyone to read it in full.”

At a Vatican press conference introducing Querida Amazonia, Cardinal Michael Czerny underlined the importance of this papal gesture, saying that “this official presentation and encouragement confer on the Final Document a certain moral authority.” He conceded that the Final Document is not a magisterial document, yet he argued: “To ignore it would be a lack of obedience to the Holy Father’s legitimate authority.”

So then was the Pope, by his silence, giving his tacit approval to the Synod’s most controversial recommendation? Andrea Tornielli, who is the editorial director of the Vatican’s dicastery for Communications—and thus can presumably be trusted for an accurate reflection of the Pope’s intentions—wrote:

This topic has been discussed for a long time and may continue to be discussed in the future because, “perfect and perpetual continence” is “not demanded by the very nature of the priesthood”, as the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council stated.

In short, Pope Francis did not, as some journalists reported, “close the door” on the possibility of ordaining married men. He left the door precisely as it was: ajar.

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